Question. What is Dosimeter? Answer A small monitoring device worn by person Or workers entering environment that may contain RADIATION. Question.where are Dosimeter usually work? What are the guidelines for use? Answer.1 Flat badge are usually worn in the torso at the chest level but can be worn on the fiorearms. 2.Ring shaped badge can be worn on the fiinger. GUIDELINES FOR USE. 1.Never share your badge or wear another person badge. 2.DONOT intentionally expose badge to radiation. 3.No matter how curious you are , donot wear your badge when you receive a medical radiation treatment .your badge are intended to document occupational dose not medical dose. Question. What will safety officer take steps if there us fire in.plant or building? Fire Evacuation Fire can spread rapidly, leaving as little as a few minutes to escape safely after the alarm sounds. Know the escape route for the building you are in and your department’s or fa...