
عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر ٣, ٢٠٢١


"In the new format of the risk assessment report, the downloaded file will be in a coded format which will track all the changes that candidates do while preparing risk assessment report, so one may write carefully while making the report and should type all from 'A to Z' including: (A)Comments, (B)Insertion, (C)Deletion & (D)Formatting" Following below mentioned are the recommendations in

Fail to plan, plan to fail!

Fail to plan, plan to fail! Excavation failures are particularly dangerous because they may occur quickly, limiting the ability of workers (and in some cases others nearby) to escape, especially if the collapse is extensive. The speed of an excavation collapse increases the risk associated with this type of work. The consequences are significant as the falling earth can bury or crush any person in its path resulting in death by suffocation or internal crush injuries. Most fatal and serious injuries involving excavators occur when the excavator is: Moving – and strikes a pedestrian, particularly while reversing; Slewing – trapping a person between the excavator and a fixed structure or vehicle; or Working – when the moving bucket or other attachment strikes a pedestrian or when the bucket inadvertently falls from the excavator.

Here's some food for thought recognizing the hazards associated

Here's some food for thought recognizing the hazards associated with a task can keep you from being sprinkled with the dampening effects of incident and or injury raining down on you. Accidental fire sprinkler discharges clean-up costs are an estimated $1,000 for

الوعي الظرفي - Maintaining situational awareness

 Maintaining situational awareness can keep you from getting wrapped up in incident and or injury, which ultimately could be takeing the weight of the world off your shoulders in the same regard....literally! Situational awareness is being aware of what is happening around you in terms of where you are, where you are supposed to be, and whether anyone or

أسباب الحوادث المرورية .....

 أسباب الحوادث المرورية ..... إن العناصر التي تتألف منها مشكلة حوادث الطرق يمكن حصرها على النحو التالي 1. السائق 2. الطريق 3. الآلية المتحركة ولا شك في أن العنصر البشري هو

معلومات سريعة

 1_ماهو هرم الحريق؟ _اكسجين _حراره وقود 2ما هي نظرية الاطفاء؟ _خنق _تجويع _تبريد _فك سلسة التفاعل الكميائي 3ماهي وحدة قياس الاشعاع ؟ _الكوري _ريم _الراد _السيفريت _الرونتجن 5ما هي متطلبات العمل بالقرب من الاشعاع ؟ _الوقت _المسافه _الحواجز _الكميه المسموح بيها حسب الاوشا 5000 ملي ريم 6ما هي انواع اجهزة التنفس _اجهزة تفوس المواد السامه الابخره _اجهزة تنفس المنقيه للاهواء