Here's some food for thought recognizing the hazards associated

Here's some food for thought recognizing the hazards associated with a task can keep you from being sprinkled with the dampening effects of incident and or injury raining down on you.

Accidental fire sprinkler discharges clean-up costs are an estimated $1,000 for

every minute a sprinkler is left running.

Automatic fire sprinklers are a critical first line of defense if a fire breaks out. But there’s a chance that they can be triggered when there’s no sign of a blaze—and a fire sprinkler accident can inflict costly water damage.

Minor events can cause major damage when a fire sprinkler accidentally trips
Fire sprinkler heads are automatically triggered by a buildup of heat.

A liquid-filled glass bulb bursts or a soldered metal link melts at a given temperature, allowing a plug to drop out, followed by water.

In most cases, only one or two sprinklers are needed to control a fire, helping properties escape significant water damage from fire hoses that can spew ten times the amount of water.

But the simple activation process that makes fire sprinklers so reliable during an emergency also makes them vulnerable to accidental discharges, a term that encompasses everything from human carelessness to deliberate sabotage.

Quick response fire sprinklers release 8 to 24 gallons per minute or more, taking less than 20 minutes to dump hundreds of gallons of water throughout a property if there is a persistent water supply that’s not blocked or shut off.

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