أسئلة و إجاباتها للمتقدمين لمقابلة فى وظيفة مهندس سلامة و صحة مهنية HSE Engineer وفقا لتشريعات الأوشا الأمريكية
أسئلة و إجاباتها للمتقدمين لمقابلة فى وظيفة مهندس سلامة و صحة مهنية HSE Engineer وفقا لتشريعات الأوشا الأمريكية
1. What does the following stand for?
I. ELCB – Earth Leakage circuit breaker
II. COSHH – Control of substances Hazardous to health
III. PEL – Permissible exposure limit
IV. SWL – Safe Working load
2. What is the PEL of Hydrogen sulfide?
Ans) 10PPM
3. What are the Hazards when working at height? (Write any 4)
I. Scaffolds
II. Stairs
III. Ladders
IV. Building Structure
V. Medically Un-Fit
VI. Unsafe Access-Egress Facility
VII. Over Crowding
VIII. Working without Proper PPE
4. What are the element of audit?
Ans) Five Elements of safety audit is
I. Policy & Organization
II. Strategy and Planning
III. Implementation and operation
IV. Performance measurement
V. Evaluation and review.
5. What does the following stands for?
I. PPM – Parts per Million
II. STEL – Short-Term Exposure Limit
III. TLV – Threshold Limit Value
IV. LEL – Lower Explosive Limit
6. Give three examples of excavation hazards.
I. falls into trenches or excavations
II. tripping over equipment, debris and spoil
III. excavated material or other objects falling on workers
IV. exposure to underground services or overhead electrical cables
V. unstable adjacent structures
VI. mishandled or poorly placed materials
VII. hazardous atmosphere (noxious gases/lack of oxygen)
VIII. toxic, irritating or flammable and explosive gases
IX. Incidents involving vehicles and other mobile equipment.
7. Why Halon type fire extinguishers are banned universally?
Ans) it’s not ecofriendly due to release of CFCs which causes global warming and ozone holes (or)
Halons are low-toxicity, chemically stable compounds that have been used for fire and explosion protection from early in the last century. Halon has proven to be an extremely effective fire suppressant. Halon is clean (i.e., leaves no residue) and is remarkably safe for human exposure.
Although some states are banning the sale of certain hand-held extinguishers for non-commercial uses, the answer is generally no. However, effective January 1, 1994, the production and importation of new Halon was banned in the developed world through an international agreement called the Montreal Protocol.
8. List any 2 safety measures at roof work?
I. Isolate overhead electric lines.
II. Use of safety nets and fall arrest systems.
9. What is the unit of light?
Ans) There are many different units for measuring light and it can get very complicated. Here are a few common measurement terms:
I. Candela(cd)
Unit of luminous intensity of a light source in a specific direction. Also called candle.
Technically, the radiation intensity in a perpendicular direction of a surface of 1/600000 square meter of a black body at the temperature of solidification platinum under a pressure of 101,325 newton’s per square meter.
II. Foot-candle(fcorftc)
Unit of light intensity, measured in lumens per square foot. The brightness of one candle at a distance of one foot. Approximately 10.7639 lux.
III. Lumen(lm)
Unit of light flow or luminous flux. The output of artificial lights can be measured in lumens.
IV. Lux(lx)
Unit of illumination equal to one lumen per square meter. The metric equivalent of foot-candles (one lux equals 0.0929 foot-candles). Also called meter-candle.
10. Write any three environmental hazards on construction site?
I. Air pollution
II. Water pollution
III. Noise Pollution
IV. Asbestos dust becoming airborne
11. Write any 4 hazards in hot work activity?
I. Fire
II. Explosion
III. Electrocution
IV. Burns
V. Arc-flash
VI. Oxygen-depletion
VII. Toxic fumes
12. Identify activity for hot work permit?
Ans) welding & grinding
13. List 4 items to be considered prior to entering a confined space?
I. Is the Atmosphere Safe or not. Gas monitors typically check for the following.
a) Oxygen (O2) Levels High/Low.
b) Carbon monoxide (toxic gas).
c) Hydrogen sulfide, also known as “sewer gas”.
d) Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) – This is the level where combustion can occur from gases produced by a variety of organic compounds that mix with oxygen.
II. Adequate EXIT and ENTRY.
III. Proper Ventilation system.
IV. Equipment’s Inspection.
V. Lighting Arrangements.
VI. Communication system.
VII. Competency of working crew (Training / Experience).
14. What is the Min & Max percentage of O2 allowed to work in confined space?
Ans) As per OSHA 19.5 % - 23.5%.
15. Which is highly flammable among below?
Ans) Hydrogen
16. Write any three heat-stress related disorders?
I. Heat stroke - Defined by a body temperature of greater than 40 °C (104 °F) due to environmental heat exposure with lack of thermoregulation. Symptoms include dry skin, rapid, strong pulse and dizziness.
II. Heat exhaustion - Can be a precursor of heatstroke; the symptoms include heavy sweating, rapid breathing and a fast, weak pulse.
III. Heat syncope - Fainting as a result of overheating.
IV. Heat edema
V. Heat cramps - Muscle pains that happen during heavy exercise in hot weather.
VI. Heat rash - Skin irritation from excessive sweating.
VII. Heat tetany - Usually results from short periods of stress in intense heat. Symptoms may include hyperventilation, respiratory problems, numbness or tingling, or muscle spasms.[4]
17. Ratio of positioning ladders?
Ans) 1:4
18. What is the voltage to be used for power tools?
Ans) 110 or 220 Volts
19. List three occupational diseases in construction industry?
I. Asbestos-related injuries such as mesothelioma and other cancers.
II. With noise damage to the ear, it may take many years for the symptoms to appear.
III. Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) can cause permanent damage.
IV. Respiratory Ailments (silica).
V. Repetitive work is one of the major causes of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs).
VI. Dermatitis- Reaction of the skin to any irritant varies from one individual to another.
20. What is the Maximum PEL for 8 hrs of noise?
Ans) As per OSHA 90 dBA.
21. Total capacity of bund wall should be?
I. The gross capacity of the bunded area should be 110% of the capacity of the biggest tank or 25% of the total capacity of all tanks within the bund whichever is greater. Wall type bunds at tank storage facility should be from 0.5 m to 1.5 m high. The distance between tank and bund walls must be at least 1 m. If the bund wall s are more than 1 m above floor provide steps or ladder for quick escape.
II. Drums Storage: The gross capacity of a bunded area should be sufficient to hold at least the volume of 25% of the drums to be stored up to 10 Kl plus 10% of any volume in excess thereof.
III. Tank Vehicle Loading: The capacity of a bunded area should at least equal to 100% of the largest compartment of any tank vehicle using the filling facility and the maximum quantity capable of being discharged from the filling point with full flow during a period of 2 minutes.
22. Safety harness is required at the height of 5.9 feet.
23. Gaps between planks of platforms shall be no wider than 25 mm.
24. Name the instrument used to measure wind speed.
Ans) Anemometer
25. Guardrails shall be 42 inches in height.
26. What is the min. distance for excavated materials to be kept from the edge of excavation?
Ans) 5 Feet or more.
27. PH value of corrosive waste is more than 5
A) 9 B) 5 c) 4 D) 8
28. Write any 4 sign of damage when you inspect safely harness?
I. Webbing (rips, fraying, fatigue (or thinning), abrasions, cuts, broken fibers, or chemical or corrosive damage. Fading of webbing color can indicate UV wear)
II. D-rings (bending, distortion, rust, corrosion, cracks, nicks, burns, deep scratches or other signs of fatigue)
III. Buckles (distortions or sharp edges)
IV. General Damage/Wear and tear
29. Ratio of slope for type A soil is ¾:1.
30. Write different types of work permit.
I. Cold work permit
II. Hot work permit
III. Electrical work permit
IV. Mobile Vehicle entry work permit
V. Radiography work permit
VI. Excavation work permit
VII. Easement work permit
VIII. Road Closure Work permit
IX. Confined Space Work permit
31. What do you refer when handling Hazardous Materials?
I. Follow all established procedures and perform job duties as you’ve been trained.
II. Be cautious and plan ahead. Think about what could go wrong and pay close attention to what you’re doing while you work.
III. Always use required PPE—and inspect it carefully before each use to make sure it’s safe to use. Replace worn out or damage PPE; it won’t provide adequate protection.
IV. Make sure all containers are properly labeled and that the material is contained in an appropriate container. Don’t use any material not contained or labeled properly. Report any damaged containers or illegible labels to your supervisor right away.
V. Read labels and the material safety data sheet (MSDS) before using any material to make sure you understand hazards and precautions.
VI. Use all materials solely for their intended purpose. Don’t, for example, use solvents to clean your hands, or gasoline to wipe down equipment.
VII. Never eat or drink while handling any materials, and if your hands are contaminated, don’t use cosmetics or handle contact lenses.
VIII. Read the labels and refer to MSDSs to identify properties and hazards of chemical products and materials.
IX. Store all materials properly, separate incompatibles, and store in ventilated, dry, cool areas.
X. Keep you and your work area clean. After handling any material, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Clean work surfaces at least once a shift so that contamination risks are minimized.
XI. Learn about emergency procedures and equipment. Understanding emergency procedures means knowing evacuation procedures, emergency reporting procedures, and procedures for dealing with fires and spills. It also means knowing what to do in a medical emergency if a co-worker is injured or overcome by chemicals.
32. What are the documents should be submitted when apply for excavation permit?
I. Excavation work permit
II. A safety checklist may prove helpful when you consider specific site conditions such as the following:
a) Traffic,
b) Proximity and physical conditions of nearby structures,
c) Soil,
d) Surface and ground water,
e) Location of the water table,
f) Overhead and underground utilities, and
g) Weather
33. Give examples of ignitable waste.
I. Liquids with a flashpoint of less than 60o C / 140o F
II. Solids that burn spontaneously
III. Flammable compressed gas
IV. Oxidizers
V. Materials with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) flammability hazard rating of 3 or 4.
34. Give examples of Toxic waste.
Ans) Arsenic, Barium, Benzene, Cadmium, Carbon Tetrachloride, Chlordane, Chlorobenzene, Chloroform, Chromium, O-Cresol, M-Cresol, P-Cresol, Cresol, Endrin, Heptachlor, Hex chlorobenzene, Hexachlorobutadiene, Hexachloroethane, Lead, Lindane, Mercury, Methoxychlor, Methyl ethyl ketone, Nitrobenzene, Pentachlorophenol, Pyridine, Selenium, Silver, Tetrachloroethylene, Toxaphene, Trichloroethylene, Vinyl Chloride
35. Give examples of Reactive waste.
I. Materials that tend to be unstable at normal temperatures and pressures
II. Water reactive materials
III. Explosives
IV. Cyanide or sulfide bearing wastes
V. Pyrophoric metals such as sodium
VI. Cyanide wastes
VII. Ethers
VIII. Peroxides
36. Give examples of Reactive waste.
I. Aqueous solutions with pH less than 2 or greater than 12.5
II. Liquid that corrodes steel at a rate greater than 6.35 mm per year (0.25 inches per year) at a test temperature of 55°C (130°F)
III. Strong acids
IV. Alkaline degreasers
V. Water/wastewater treatment chemicals
VI. Any debris that is contaminated with this material
37. Write any 5 cold work activities?
I. Painting (hand)
II. Engineering Routine maintenance work which does not involve unbolting or cutting.
III. Erection and dismantling of scaffold.
IV. Pressure testing of plant equipment.
V. Engineering construction activities.
38. Write 5 characteristic of inert Gas?
I. They are also called Noble Gases or Inert Gases or Zero Group Elements.
II. They have eight electrons in their valence shell except helium (Z=2).
III. Their valence shell are complete.
IV. They are chemically inert.
V. They have high values of Ionization Potential.
VI. Noble gases are diamagnetic due to absence of unpaired electrons.
VII. They are monoatomic gases.
VIII. They are colorless and odorless gases.
IX. All these are present in our atmosphere except radon.
X. Noble gases are quite soluble in water.